
A Timeless Flight

I have a narrative fiction podcast out called “A Timeless Flight”! You can listen to all episodes below or read the transcribed scripts!

A Timeless Flight tells the story of a lone astronaut, hopelessly lost in space, logging his journey, telling stories of his life back on earth and his thoughts above it - all while knowing he’s going to die in 10 days. 

I, Kelly Shaw, am the sole creator, writer, actor, producer, and editor of every episode of A Timeless Flight.

I also composed and performed the song, “David”, featured in the Episode 6, 9 and 10 soundtracks. It can be found at the bottom of the page.


Episode One - “Pilot”

Tom Jackson’s first audio log covers who he is, what happened to get him where he is, and what he plans for his final days.


Episode Two - “Day Two”

In his second audio log, Tom Jackson reminisces on his childhood and early schooling. 


Episode three - “Day three”

In his third audio log, Tom Jackson debates whether these logs are helping or hurting, and talks about his college experience, from getting in and moving to trying to find his place. 


Episode Four - “Day Four”

Tom Jackson's fourth audio log features him talking about his wife back on Earth, their time together, and the guilt he feels now.


Episode Five - “Day Five”

Tom Jackson's fifth audio log talks about his job as an astronaut and why he took this specific mission, as well as touching on what could've been done to stop this.


Episode six - “Day six”

Tom Jackson’s sixth audio log tells a story from his childhood.


Episode Seven - “Day Seven”

Tom Jackson’s seventh audio log features him confronting the cold, hard facts: he’s dying. And he’s angry about it.


Episode Eight - “Day Eight”

Tom Jackson’s eighth audio log has him talking about grief and sadness and feeling just so tired.


Episode Nine - “David”

In his penultimate day, Tom Jackson reveals how things ended with David.


Episode Ten - “a long, long time”

His last day.


Here’s the piece of music that can be found in episodes 6, 9, and 10. I composed and performed it. This is it in its entirety.